Top Natural Skincare Routine For Dry Skin
Everyone deserves skin that is healthy and without any issues, but not everyone is this fortunate. Dry skin is not just a type of skin but also a condition in which the skin is flaky and rough to touch. This causes many inconveniences and causes the overall well-being of those with dry skin to suffer.
We at Flower Organics understand the problems that one with dry skin faces, and in this post, we will explore the top natural skincare routine for dry skin.
Upon following this routine and being consistent, we are confident that you will see and feel major improvement in time.
What Causes Dry Skin?
Dry skin is a skin type that is naturally lacking in oil and moisture, causing it to be bumpy, itchy, and even have bumps in appearance. Someone with dehydrated skin, which is a skin condition rather than a skin type, would have dull and rough skin, and this can be caused by many conditions.
- Cold weather
- Dry indoor heat
- Excessive hot water washing
- Unbalanced skin pH level
- Smoking
- Too much exposure to the sun
- Utilizing bad-quality skincare products
There can be more reasons, such as a few skin conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis, but overall, these factors can lead to one having dehydrated skin.
Also Read: Why Niacinamide Face Wash is a Skincare Essential?
Checklist for Natural Skincare Routine for Dry Skin
Let’s go by a step-by-step checklist that you can fit into your natural skincare routine and accommodate dry skin type.
Focus on Your Diet
Increasing the intake of fats can directly affect your skin. Adding fats into your daily diet, such as walnuts and food cooked with olive oil, can effectively aid you in combating dry skin. You should also avoid drinks that can dehydrate your body, such as alcohol and coffee.
Use a Gentle Scrub
In your skincare routine, you will have an exfoliation step. As such, using a gentle scrub is vital for dry skin. By skipping the exfoliator and choosing a wet washcloth, you will have a much more suitable option.
Use a hydrating antioxidant serum.
In your skincare routine, add a hydrating antioxidant serum that combats the free radicals that can damage your dry skin with the changing weather. Free radicals can both cause dehydrated skin and further damage it. As such, using a hydrating antioxidant serum can be the perfect
counter to protect your skin.
Use a heavy moisturizer at night.
Like exfoliation, your natural skincare routine for dry skin would also include the step of moisturizing. For that, use a moisturizer that is rich in oil, that makes up for the lack of oil in your dry skin type, and that offers anti-inflammatory healing support.
Avoid harsh cleaners
Having dry skin means every step of the skin routine must be taken with care. The step of cleansing requires you to choose one that is not harsh, especially during the winter season. Choose a cleanser that is kind to dry skin and enriches it.
Drink More Water
The best way to combat dehydrated skin can be as simple as hydrating yourself by drinking enough water. Drinking an adequate amount of hydration will undoubtedly help limit the issues one can get with dry skin.
Natural Skincare Routine for Dry Skin
Now that we have covered the checklist, let’s go step-by-step into the skincare routine for dry skin.
Step One: Cleanse
The first step in your skincare routine has to be cleansing. Choose a cleanser that can effectively remove dirt on the outer skin layer, and is gentle enough for dry skin.
Step Two: Tone
The second step is toning, and it is one where you have to be careful, as many toners use alcohol as the main ingredient. As warned before, alcohol is something you should not use on dry skin types, as it dries out the skin even more. Choose an alcohol-free solution that balances the pH level of your skin.
Step Three: Target
In the third step, you can target the specific skin concerns that come with the dry skin type. Such as blemishes and redness. Apply creams and serums to target skin concerns, such as a niacinamide serum.
Step Four: Moisturize
The fourth step is a highly important one for dry skin types. As it sorely needs to be re-moisturized to soothe and nourish your skin. Choose a heavy moisturizer that has the nourishing qualities that suit your dry skin type.
Step Five: Protect
It is important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun by applying an effective sunscreen, which can protect and help your skin in a lot of protective ways.
Everyone has a different skin type, and everyone’s skin needs to be cared for differently. Whether it is dry, oily or sensitive, it is vital to take steps in caring for it the way it is required. By taking care of certain elements, such as avoiding non-dry skin-friendly products, focusing on your diet, and finally following the skincare routine optimized for dry skin type, you can treat your skin the way it deserves.
At Flower Organics, we specialize in taking care of all types of skin by offering products uniquely suited to them. We understand that every skin requires different types of care, and with our expertly crafted skincare products, we ensure that your skin meets its perfect companion that protects and cares for it.
Check out our well-crafted, uniquely made products that enrich your skin today!